

Johanna Thompson

van Collage hat, 2017
Brooklyn Bunnies, 2017

Whether it’s the finger-swiping retouching of a selfie, the autotuning of an off-key vocalist, or the copying and pasting of computer code, the second decade of the 21st century is a time where automation is the preferred method of production. Smack-dab in the middle of the digital revolution, artist Johanna Thompson creates refreshing handmade knit pieces. Proof that no robot algorithm could produce such beautiful work.

A collaborative project with Brooklyn Bunny founder Kevin Dresser, the van Collage collection is a series of one-of-a-kind hats using various knitting techniques collaged to form an abstract representation of our rabbit Theo van Chewsburg’s fur pattern. Her collection of Brooklyn Bunnies are playful psychedelic knit bunnies with appropriately dilated psilocybin eyes.


Brooklyn Bunny Webcam Archives

November 10, 2006 - 9:45:29 PM

November 10, 2006 - 9:43:10 PM

October 17, 2006 - 7:24:49PM


Zuni Bunnies: from $45

Zuni Bunnies: from $45

van Collage Cruelty-Free Hat: $45

van Collage Cruelty-Free Hat: $45

Brooklyn Bunnies: $29

Brooklyn Bunnies: $29